Entries "My entries":
My entries

Friday, July 28, 2006


People never understand why I see myself as fat.


So I figured I would help them understand a little more.


I am 5'8. I used to weigh 104 at this height. My BMI was 15.8
and then I moved in with my dad and I lived there for a total of 6 months.

I gained weight, because they force fed me everyday and wouldn't let me go outside so I could exercise.
I was used to eating once or twice a week. NOT EVERYDAY.


Once school starts within 2 weeks I will be down to 100 or around there. And then sometime after that I will be at 80-85.


I feel like my life is falling apart.
Not only because of my weight.
But other things too.
and I just need to be happier with myself, which will happen in a few weeks.

»7/28/06    »1 comments     »Send entry    

Sunday, May 7, 2006





»5/7/06    »1 comments     »Send entry    

Saturday, May 6, 2006

please pardon the language, straight out of an email I just sent and I dont have time to edit the profanity!!!!!

Oh say can you see with the blind fold so tight, what lies and contradictions have been told to you tonight? Havent we suffered enough? HAVENT THEY HAD ENOUGH?!
I know there's a lot of us that want the end of them, but they have most of the world as pawns, I don't know how long this fight will last. They've got most of everyone blinded and constricted, on strings to their own dance, it's so hard to show them the truth.

And where am I supposed to start? With the bullshit of every government official, starting from chaney to the president to the fucking governors? Or the police? Or the military? There may not be a for sure start, but I tell you, there will be an ending.
So come on everyone, fuck some shit up! We'll fight. Let's help eachother out brothers and sisters. Let's burn something beautiful! We'll spray paint this city, we'll raise our voices and our fists in the fucking air, let's fuck it all up. Please come together. Stale youth is overtaking what we have, please, please, PLEASE, we need to take it all back. Steal back from the government, do anything it takes. MAKE SOMEONE SMILE, give someone money if they need it, open the eyes of cogs who surround us everyday! Protest! Organize! Do something, anything. If you read this, PLEASE comment. I want the world to be better. Let me know if you want to get together and fix things. Just keep fighting, please keep fighting, for your friends, your family, the good sake of enemies and strangers. Never give up.

So I'm going to try to start this, and I'm hoping that you all are going to help me end this fucked up shit. Remember, fighting imperialism is NOT terrorism!
Policia... These fucking pigs are raping and killing with no regret! They abuse their power and misuse their authority. And none of it will be on the news, which happens to be government filtered. In California, of course it wasn't on the news, it was in my Californian newspaper I get... and it's pretty much this. These motorcyclists were riding through a motorcycle protest thing, which by the way was not at all aggressive or extreme or anything, if you saw it, you would never know it was a protest. They were riding through and these asshole cops, killed many of them. They were speeding up next to the cyclists, and swirving at them, and sometimes into them to get them to crash, which damaged a lot of them up to six feet down, and underground. Then others, they would speed by, go infront of, and slam their brakes so the cyclists had no time to react, and would crash into them, DEATH. Yet these pigs, didn't even get  a slap on the wrist for the crimes they committed.
Fuck the police, let's burn the donut shops, take their badge and gun, we'll let THEM feel shot forty-one.
And army recruiters... These bastards are targeting anyone they can get their hands on. They are pulling kids in by using bribes like paying for their college, giving them lots of money for cars and other things, and by using "cool" music with their "cool" videos to get people involved. When really, they are hiding the truth, and they won't let you in on it until you're already committed to 8 years of shit. And when you come out, you better pray to whatever god there is that you will enjoy EVERYTHING reminding you of it all. Whether it be someone touching you gently on the shoulder, that bursts back into your memory someone stabbing you or assaulting you... they are taking our friends and family straight into a death trap made by the machine! In my opinion, this has gone too far. My friends are dying! Please start a petition. Organize a protest....anything. Our friends and family are being bribed into killing. Come on everyone! Let's fuck some shit up. Someone please help me out. Good luck and keep fighting. Never give up! PLEASE! For the sake of everyone. Fight the good fight. Raise your fucking fists in the air and stop this fucking slaughter!

And the whole thing with government, it ITSELF is just so bad, there's no way to even describe it all. But I do want to say this, because it will make things a little more clear to those of you who know nothing. In 1991, the president told the CIA something, and a cia member risked his life, and the lives of his family to let this imformation out [yet again, it wasn't on the GOVERNMENT FILTERED news!] and the president said "I want to invade and take over Iraq, but we're going to wait until they give us a reason to so we don't look like the bad guys." Then exactly 10 years later, say hello to "9/11", where they were given the reason they were looking for to invade Iraq, and look, they've taken over it too. And keep this in mind, we are controlling Iraq, it's like a mini-america now, with a president and all. So why are oil prices still going up? This blood for oil is out of hand. And while you blame the president right now, realize that he is chaney's puppet. And you can't just blame them, you have to blame absolutely everyone who has anything to do with it. FUCK THE MACHINE! It's blinding you, and it doesn't care about you. The sole purpose of the machine is to blind you, conform you, and constrict you to it's rules. It doesn't care whether you die or not. It teaches you to kill whatever doesn't meet to it's standards, and if you die in the process, so what, it's got billions of other machines to replace YOU. If you try to stop being a machine, it won't allow it, you'll suffer for that. But if you die while a machine, it doesn't care one bit. Your life isn't important to it, so stick with the people who will care for you. Let's fuck things up! This machine, is coming down. Every machine, every system, every rule, breaks at some point, and it's time for this machine to come down. So let's fuck things up and bring it crashing harder than the world trade towers. Fuck world trade.

So everyone, open your eyes to the world around you. Don't be hypnotized by the thirteen stripes and blinded by the fifty stars, don't become a cog in their insidious plot, FUCK THINGS UP! OPEN YOUR EYES! LEARN WHAT'S GOING ON, AND FIGHT. FUCKING FIGHT AGAINST IT BROTHERS AND SISTERS!

Take care of yourself, and others.
Much love.

Saturday, May 6, 2006

army recruitors

Army recruiters... These bastards are targeting anyone they can get their hands on. They are pulling kids in by using bribes like paying for their college, giving them lots of money for cars and other things, and by using "cool" music with their "cool" videos to get people involved. When really, they are hiding the truth, and they won't let you in on it until you're already committed to 8 years of shit. And when you come out, you better pray to whatever god there is that you will enjoy EVERYTHING reminding you of it all. Whether it be someone touching you gently on the shoulder, that bursts back into your memory someone stabbing you or assaulting you... they are taking our friends and family straight into a death trap made by the machine! In my opinion, this has gone too far. My friends are dying! Please start a petition. Organize a protest....anything. Our friends and family are being bribed into killing. Maybe this is alright to you, just wait until a loved one dies. Please, we are trying our best to stop these bastards from targeting my family. Please do your best.....This is not something to put off for any longer. PLEASE! For the sake of all. Fight the good fight. Raise your fucking fists in the air and stop this fucking slaughter!


Good luck and fuck it up.


I wrote this to Jon in a letter, and then decided to pass it on to Reid, for I knew he'd appreciate it [which he did.]


We're blood.
We're family.
We're friends.
We're punks.
We're skins.
We stick together.
We'll die.
We'll live.
We'll "sin."
We'll laugh.
We'll cry.
But we'll always love.

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